Its been a while since this blog was updated, sorry for that. We were busy searching for muscular webcam girls, as you know we do it by hand, manually. Alright then, today I’ve prepared for you a five minute clip featuring a good looking brunette. Not only she is pretty but shes got amazing biceps and nice abs. However she is on the skinny side so the fans of hardcore bodybuilders and proper buff girls could be dissapointed. You can’t make everyone happy I guess. Next time I will post a bigger girl here. For now enjoy:
Latina flexing abs
Many female muscle fans only pay attention to certain parts of womans physique. Like strong arms, or muscular legs. I’m in a way one of them, but for me strong abs are also a huge turn on. Take this girl as an example of a perfectly built lady. She is a stunning latina and not only she’s got the guns but take a look at her six pack. I guess she is fully aware of it seeing the way she positioned herself in front of the webcam. The video may not be the longest,but hey it’s full hd and it’s not very short either.
Abs and pussy
There is no face in this video, but we all know who she is. I truly believe she may be one of the hottest webcam performers of the decade. Again this is one of her past videos maybe from three years ago, before the boob job. Her belly is flat, and her abs are strong. We get to see her shaved pussy as a bonus, but honestly I don’t really need to see it. The video stops after like three minutes, which is a shame since I’m pretty sure there is much more to be seen from this session. Oh well….
Worship this muscle girl
Ok everyone knows who she is. She is so hot that we made a loop out of her – it should be showing on the header of this page. This video comes from few years ago, she’s less buffed, more lean and her boobs are smaller. Yes she did a boob job like a year ago. Some like her more now, some prefer her before the boob job. Lot of people, lot of opinions. What more can I say…I totally worship her muscularity and personality.
Fitness Milf
Ripped muscular milf is broadcasting via webcam. She is fully nude and horny. We rarely feature bodybuilders here at BuffyCams so dont expect huge muscles on our girls. One thing is for sure, she’s defenitely more fit than your wife/girlfriend, am I right ?
Strong muscular ebony
First post. So after the Tumblr drama, we were forced to move here, hope you guys appreciate it. Before we upload the archived nude fitness girls Tumblr here, let’s kick start with a decent webcam video of a thick ebony girl.